Protein Needs:

Protein requirements vary according to your goal and your activity level. They are significantly increased in people who are physically active and have regular muscle strain, as well as in those at risk of muscle wasting (the elderly) and people who are recovering from injuries for growth and repair.

There is a litte math coming up. Protein requirements are based upon your fat free mass (FFM). That is the quantity of your body that is not fat and is made up of connective tissue, water, bone, muscle and organs. We estimate this by estimating our body fat % based on our photos and these estimation photos:


My BF % = __________ %

Your FFM is calculated like this: your weight in kg – your BF %.

For eg: My Weight= 100kg, My BF%= 15%. So my FFM is 100kg-15%= 85kg

My Fat Free Mass (FFM) = __________ kg

Protein Requirements

  1. Light Physical Activity/Lean Mass Maintenance= 1g per kg FFM
  2. Moderate Physical Activity/ Lean Mass Maintenance= 1.3g per kg FFM
  3. Moderate Physical Activity/ Lean Mass Gain= 1.6g per kg FFM
  4. Heavy Physical Activity/ Lean Mass Maintenance= 1.9g per kg FFM
  5. Heavy Physical Activity/ Lean Mass Gain= 2.2g per kg FFM

My Daily P Requirement = ________g. Multiply by 4 to get calories= __________kcals.