Step 5- Training Intensity Distribution

The training intensity is the distribution of intensity in your training.

Training with variety in your intensity is one of the greatest things you can do to enhance your triathlon fitness. That is both ensuring that you work the full range of intensities through your year but also by completing individual sessions with varied efforts at differing intensities- this can really help with your association to a task.

Rules of Training Intensity Distribution

  1. Strength training is included in the below distributions for ease of viewing and is related to the training modes above.
  2. Your year round standard prescription allows for your greatest gene expression and aligns with our genetic predisposition as a hunter-gatherer.
  3. One reason for moving away from this standard prescription is made upon you becoming a non-responder to your training stimulus- becoming bored or stale is your enemy- variety is required.
  4. Another reason for moving away from this standard prescription is to prepare specifically for an event. That’s why the three alternative options are labeled as race preparation and should be used in the build to an event.
  5. One word of warning- as you add the cruiser intensity work, the need for you to monitor deload days and periods becomes of even greater importance.
  6. Through experience, it has become apparent that people have different capacities for quality work (Zone 3 and above and intense strength training) in their training week- 1 individual may only be able to recover from 1 quality session a week, where as their friend can cope with 4 quality sessions in a week. Its personal and is completely related to the athlete’s individual resiliance.

Year Round Guidelines

Examples given here are based on a training time of 10 hours and the standard training mode split described above.

10 Hour Training Week- Intensity Distribution

Training Intensity Training Time Swim/ Bike/ Run Split
10% Sports/ Zone 6 1hr S- 12m/ B- 30m/ R- 18m
25% Strength 2hrs 30m N/A
65% Diesel/ Zone 1 and 2 6hrs 30m S- 1hr 18/ B- 3hrs 15m/ R- 1hr 57m


Race Preparation Guidelines

Examples given here are based on a training time of 10 hours and the standard training mode split described above. Please be aware that these are only some of the changes that can be made to illicit a change in your performance output.

Nb. A period of training at these intensities will produce outstanding performance over a short time frame. If continued for long periods the risks of illness, injury and chronic inflammation are greatly increased. Ensure you re-visit our more natural predisposition within the year round guidelines.

Change Up 1- Light Change- 10 Hour Training Week- Intensity Distribution

Training Intensity Training Time Swim/ Bike/ Run Split
5% Sports/ Zone 6 30m S- 6m/ B- 15m/ R- 9m
10% Strength 1hr N/A
15% Cruiser/ Zone 3, 4, 5 1hr 30m S- 18m/ B- 45m/ R- 27m
70% Diesel/ Zone 1 and 2 7hrs S- 1hr 24/ B- 3hrs 30m/ R- 2hr 6m

Change Up 2- Medium Change- 10 Hour Training Week- Intensity Distribution

Training Intensity Training Time Swim/ Bike/ Run Split
10% Sports/ Zone 6 1hr S- 12m/ B- 30m/ R- 18m
10% Strength 1hr N/A
20% Cruiser/ Zone 3, 4, 5 2hrs S- 24m/ B- 60m/ R- 36m
60% Diesel/ Zone 1 and 2 6hrs S- 1hr 12m/ B- 3hrs/ R- 1hr 48m

Change Up 3- Heavy Change- 10 Hour Training Week- Intensity Distribution

Training Intensity Training Time Swim/ Bike/ Run Split
15% Sports/ Zone 6 1hr 30m S- 18m/ B- 45m/ R- 27m
10% Strength 1hr N/A
25% Cruiser/ Zone 3, 4, 5 2hrs 30m S- 30/ B- 1hr 15m/ R- 45m
50% Diesel/ Zone 1 and 2 5hrs S- 1hr/ B- 2hrs 30m/ R- 1hr 30m

Download your Pdf guide to training time, frequency, mode and intensities here.

To download your “Training Time, Frequency, Mode and Intensities” worksheet, please click the link below: