Post Race Analysis

Everyone wants to finish each race feeling they executed the perfect race, however, as soon as you cross the line, most commonly, your chimp or your gut is going to take over and tell you exactly what you hold have done differently. This harsh self-appraisal is often where the post-race analysis stops.

In here I want to help you analyse your performance effectively. It is best to allow the excitement and fatigue of finishing your event subside before completing these tasks- you’ll get a far greater balance in your appraisal.

Objective Analysis

From an objective stand-point it is worth revisiting the Tribal Performance Profile at regular intervals. As a Tribal athlete you practice The Kaizen Approach of regular self-analysis and testing and so therefore the result of your latest event may not have been a surprise, only confimation of what had been fed back to you during your training.

I would make a point of identifying 3 things you did brilliantly and 3 things that you could improve upon as a learning exercise.

Subjective Analysis

Age Group % Field Placing

Comparison to a Faceless High Performer