3 Tips to save you 10 years of waiting for your next P.B. By Paul Roberts “Successful coaches realise quickly that the process of taking an athlete from their current reality to their desired outcome is so much more about the athlete than it is about themselves.” For...

Had a few thoughts when I saw this article about the dangers of eating processed meat. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/07/cancer-risk-processed-meat-study 1. When following a Paleo approach to nutrition, the quality of your food should be a priority. Organic, pasture raised, grass-fed meat is the preference. 2. What normally accompanies the following,...

Less than 6 hours sleep a night alters our gene expression. Pro-inflammation, pre-diabetes and suppressed immunity are the outcome. Sleep is a priority if you are keen on developing vital health, a pre-requisite for recovery and increased Performance. Enjoy and prioritise your ZZzz's Its this simple-...

Training to become a triathlete is not easy. If you start off by yourself you'll soon realise you need support, education and coaching. Well, in the video below, we've highlighted our 5 P Formula that will help you train to become a better triathlete - whether...